Difference Between Dedicated Hosting and Shared Hosting
You might be thinking of contacting a web service provider soon to inquire about web hosting. You want to build your own website for your business and you’ve learned that in order to give it existence on the internet, you need to get a good web hosting service.
Both dedicated hosting and shared hosting can be good for your business. You need to understand what they are so you can decide which among them you will choose for your business. Do not be in a hurry when choosing the right service for you. Each of them has their own features your final choice will depend on the needs of your business.
Which among them you will choose? Take a look at your business and examine its capacities on paying for a hosting service. Moreover, consider what your goals are. If you have plans to become widely known in the World Wide Web, you will need a website with more helpful features. Take your time in making your decision. Try to understand first how the two works and how they can help your business grow. Below are some of the tips that you should understand about dedicated and shared hosting.
Dedicated Web Hosting
Big businesses usually prefer this service because it is very efficient. This is dedicated to your business and you will not share the server with anyone; for this reason, you’ll have full control of your website. You can upload as many files as you can and you have the freedom to install all the applications that you want. In line with this, you will also be responsible for everything, including the maintenance. In dedicated web hosting, you will provide yourself with your own equipment while on the other hand; your web host will provide you with backups.
This is the recommended service for websites who are targeting huge traffic. No matter how big the traffic you’ll generate, your site will be able to handle it and its response will be faster. Your security is guaranteed; furthermore, you will seldom experience hassles. Expect this service to cost higher compared to Shared Web Hosting.
Shared Web Hosting
This is otherwise known as virtual hosting, which means you do not own the server; a portion of it will only be shared to you and the other portions will be shared to other users. In shared web hosting plan, your website will have a bandwidth limit. This will be similar to leasing a portion of the lot that someone else owns. Your web host will handle everything for you.
You will not have full control of it; however, you can manage your web content development.
Because numerous websites, including yours, share one server which is managed by an individual or a company, you will likely experience the following drawbacks:
Reduced level of security
Longer response time
Limited resources
Non-authority to install programs
In spite of the cons of a shared hosting, it is still the most popular hosting service, particularly among small and medium size businesses. It is because it’s more affordable and the features can sometimes be sufficient to their needs.
Which among them you will choose? Take a look at your business and examine its capacities on paying for a hosting service. Moreover, consider what your goals are. If you have plans to become widely known in the World Wide Web, you will need a website with more helpful features. Take your time in making your decision. Try to understand first how the two works and how they can help your business grow. Below are some of the tips that you should understand about dedicated and shared hosting.
Dedicated Web Hosting
Big businesses usually prefer this service because it is very efficient. This is dedicated to your business and you will not share the server with anyone; for this reason, you’ll have full control of your website. You can upload as many files as you can and you have the freedom to install all the applications that you want. In line with this, you will also be responsible for everything, including the maintenance. In dedicated web hosting, you will provide yourself with your own equipment while on the other hand; your web host will provide you with backups.
This is the recommended service for websites who are targeting huge traffic. No matter how big the traffic you’ll generate, your site will be able to handle it and its response will be faster. Your security is guaranteed; furthermore, you will seldom experience hassles. Expect this service to cost higher compared to Shared Web Hosting.
Shared Web Hosting
This is otherwise known as virtual hosting, which means you do not own the server; a portion of it will only be shared to you and the other portions will be shared to other users. In shared web hosting plan, your website will have a bandwidth limit. This will be similar to leasing a portion of the lot that someone else owns. Your web host will handle everything for you.
You will not have full control of it; however, you can manage your web content development.
Because numerous websites, including yours, share one server which is managed by an individual or a company, you will likely experience the following drawbacks:
Reduced level of security
Longer response time
Limited resources
Non-authority to install programs
In spite of the cons of a shared hosting, it is still the most popular hosting service, particularly among small and medium size businesses. It is because it’s more affordable and the features can sometimes be sufficient to their needs.